Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My first day at school essay

I cannot forget my first day at school. It was ten years ago and I was just six years old. I was unwilling to go to school, but my mother gave me sweets to eat and a promise of an ice-cream after school. That persuaded me to go to school with my father.

The school was not far from our house. The school building was quite imposing with a playground on one side of it and a beautiful garden on the other. Father took me to the headmistress who asked me my name and few questions. The interview was soon over and father took me to the school office where a clerk gave me admission.

Father left me there and returned home. Now I was alone with a school peon. My heart missed a beat at that moment. The peon took me a classroom where there were more than forty boys and girls already occupying their seats. I went to my seat and hesitatingly sat down. I looked around and saw a big blackboard and two big photographs on the wall. One of them was Gandhiji’s. There were some maps and charts also.

Just then our teacher entered. She gave us a sweet smile and said, “Good morning, children!” to an extent. She then made us say the prayer correctly. After the prayer we sat down and the teacher began to teach us the alphabet and then some chorus songs. We were let off early that day.

But on that first day of my school life, I was nervous almost all the while, feeling like a fish out of water, because everything around me was unknown to me till that day. That was how my school life began. Now ten long years have gone by and I am about to leave this dear school of mine. Still the memory of that first day of my school life will remain evergreen in my heart.


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